Sunday, June 8, 2008

music under my fingers

Missing out on the few things in life..

I just realized that sometimes, friends are like a piano song.

When you just started playing, you have to slowly play it. Reading each note carefully and trying hard not to spoil the piece. Then , you start spending endless time perfecting the song. And when you can play it, you play it often and immense yourself in the music composed beneath your fingers. And then, the song gets old and you don't really want to play anymore. There are even times when you play it, the songs just run out of beat or note. It won't be the same song anymore.

Just like friends. Some are like the piano song but there are some who would stay with you forever. Like those old piano pieces where you won't find it boring and you just want to play it forever and ever.

Ohh ohh, twilight the movie is coming out. OMG.. in december... I can't wait that long.. sobsob

I'll bet its gonna be the hit movie of the year. i love edward. =]

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