Thursday, December 25, 2008

Its that time again!!

Ho ho ho. :) Merry Christmas people.
Sorry for the lack of updates yo.
Computer router went down.
Because.... of some technical reasons perhaps.

Anyways, school is reopening in less than two weeks. Yes, actually I'm looking forward to school after this long holiday. People can be so unsatisfied.
Updates from the past few days:
20th December
-Christmas party at my AhYee's house

21th December
-Christmas dinner at an iranian family's house
Game time =]

then the punishment is taken away by someone else
Us sinners.

Mini Shakira :)

Me and the ah mo lang. :)
Family- the happy people

ever lucky Gwen's christmas present from her sister. :)

Seems vaguely familiar??

Narcissists-for-the-day Gwen bids all you people out there:

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