Tuesday, August 3, 2010

words I could never say to you

Mum recieved my results today. The feeling was great of not having to hide away your results anymore.

So, service class is tomorrow. Apparently yesterday during accounts class, the accounts lecturer assumed that I was cheating and gave me 0 over 30. Yes, I am still devastated over it because there weren’t many mistakes. I could have scored. I talked to her and she told me that she know I was the one who did the work but because I allowed my friend to copy my work, she gave me zero too. I don’t know what else to do and was really bummed out. I hate her. I really really do hate her.

Sister got mad again as always. She honestly cannot take a joke. It was a long day again today. Furthermore, there’s service class tomorrow. Can’t let anything get to me. I will make this pass.  Smile


Till then.

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