Have been drowned in part time jobs lately and spending my money on seriously unnecessary things.
I honestly don't know why, but I have the strongest urge to spend spend spend. :)
I have been shopping so much lately, I can actually make a super haul video already.
There's the file organiser from Miss Whatever.
Then the slip in files from popular.
Cardigan from Nichii.
Shirts from Cotton On.
New pencil box and phone casing from the night market.
Hair accessories from the market too.
New thermal mug. (dad wouldn't let me use the plastic one. all the more reason to spend money)
New handbag which I regretted getting.
New stationery.
Another new handbag (on the way to recieving it)
New accessory from Diva.
Hair dye. (have chio hair now !)
Just to list down a few. hahah.
Seriously. Have been spending too much money.
At least I was working for the past few days to earn back some money.
Was a terrible shopaholic.
I guess my wish list is somewhat completed. Haha. It'd better be right?
So excited to get back to college tomorrow.
And the new classes I'm about to sign up for.
I honestly don't know why, but I have the strongest urge to spend spend spend. :)
There's the file organiser from Miss Whatever.
Then the slip in files from popular.
Cardigan from Nichii.
Shirts from Cotton On.
New pencil box and phone casing from the night market.
Hair accessories from the market too.
New thermal mug. (dad wouldn't let me use the plastic one. all the more reason to spend money)
New handbag which I regretted getting.
New stationery.
Another new handbag (on the way to recieving it)
New accessory from Diva.
Hair dye. (have chio hair now !)
Just to list down a few. hahah.
Seriously. Have been spending too much money.
At least I was working for the past few days to earn back some money.
Was a terrible shopaholic.
I guess my wish list is somewhat completed. Haha. It'd better be right?
So excited to get back to college tomorrow.
And the new classes I'm about to sign up for.
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