Saturday, December 29, 2007

dissappointment but back from my wonderful vacation

At the KLIA above and below text is at the shenzhen airportJuz came back from China on thursday morning about 3 something.....Didn't get to go to sunway to celebrate yinky's birthday after all...All those freakin excuses by my dad...URGH!!!!!!

Anyway I still had fun at China,,, we went to shenyang, jilin, changchun, harbin then back to was a real blast.....

Still a lil lazy to write down exactly where we went.. so I will put down some piccies I took

By the way... It SNOWED!!!!!!! OMG I can't believe myself....

My caramel latte at the airport...we waited for 5 hours to board the next plane to shenyang, china..... Their coffee sucked...seriously!!!!
The scenery outside shenzhen felt like an outdoor aircond environment.....nice and cooling. It was fun...Wrigleys chewing gum in eh?? Honeydew flavour...In the bus on the way to lunch in shenzhen while waiting for our next flight...

Dinner during our trip.....cooked meat...mmmmm delicious..

We get to dip them in some kind of peanut plus soya sauce thingi....taste really good

One of the rooms in the museum I visited...

Apperently one of the rooms are haunted because some one was killed because of political matters......scarryyyy

little mufflers were given to us to cover our ears or they will just drop off like was sooooo COLD we had to keep our ears warm....negative 10 to 17 deegrees...

Dressed and ready to go skiing on the second day in china...woohooo

It was soooo much fun...I love skiing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SNOW ( scenes outside the bus)

Cousin trying to put her hat on while avoiding the camera!! haha gotcha

We had the last time's kings food for dinner one night..

One of the waitress got dressed in a very old princess ahyee got to try on her

One of the dishes were frogs egg or something like that...its not really tadpoles yet.....

Its the liquid that protects the eggs i think... It was said that if you drink it all the time, you will have a beautiful complexion....
Everyone's face turned red after drinking it..... I can tell you it taste sweet but not pleasantly sweet...its not a very nice taste....

some lady's dog was sooo adorable but is xiao dou

chinese name for a dog..haha

largest meteoritw shower in jilin i think...yap

big ain't it??

the deer farm....they are alll so vute but they STINK!!!!! their antlers are used for medicine....

the beautiful wolf whose eyes gleam at you....its fur is really beautiful...I got one for a
some animal whose fur is used to make chinese caligraphy brushes...who would have thought it came from this animal.....

MINK FUR COAT...ALLL real...can you believe it???? I think about 10 to 20 minks were used on this coat
dead wolf...their fur...ooohhh lala mine is the white one on the left...cute ehh??? wolf fur...

snow scene

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